【邀请函】十大博彩平台 第四届“国际青年学者湘江论坛”交通运输工程分论坛
发布时间:2024-09-21 作者: 来源:全球最大博彩平台-十大博彩平台 浏览次数:
The Forth Xiangjiang River International Forum for Outstanding
Overseas Young Scholars
Sub-Forum of Traffic & Transportation Engineering
October 26th– 27th 2024, Changsha, China
School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering,Central South University (CSU)
一、论坛简介(Forum Introduction)
十大博彩平台 是中国教育部直属全国重点大学、国家“211工程”首批重点建设高校、国家“985工程”部省重点共建高水平大学和国家“2011计划”首批牵头高校,2017年9月,经国务院批准入选世界一流大学A类建设高校,2022年2月入选第二轮“双一流”建设高校。
Central South University (CSU) is one of the top universities and double first-class universities in China, which is directly under the Ministry of Education of China. The CSU is belonged to several reputable university projects in China, including the National 211 Project, National 985 Project, National 2011 Plan, etc. The CSU has been approved as the world-class university (Class A) by the State Council of China since 2017. In February 2022, it was selected as a university in the second round of "Double First-Class" construction.
十大博彩平台 “交通运输工程”学科为一级学科国家重点学科、“双一流”建设学科;学科带头人为田红旗教授。学科拥有“重载快捷大功率电力机车”全国重点实验室、“轨道交通列车安全保障技术”国家地方联合工程研究中心、“轨道交通安全”国际合作联合实验室、“轨道交通安全”教育部重点实验室、“智慧交通”湖南省重点实验室、“轨道交通大数据”湖南省重点实验室、国家985科技创新平台、“轨道交通列车安全学科”创新引智基地等高水平学科平台,并拥有中国工程院院士、国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才等高层次人才10余人,教育部“长江学者”创新团队1个和科技部科技创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队1个。
The CSU Traffic & Transportation Engineering discipline is one of the first-level national key disciplines and double first-class disciplines in China. The current leader of the discipline is Prof. Hongqi Tian.
Currently, the discipline has high-level research platforms such as the State Key Laboratory of Heavy-duty and Express High-power Electric Locomotive, the National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Safety Technology for Rail Vehicle,the Joint International Research Laboratory of Key Technology for Rail Traffic Safety,the Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track, Ministry of Education, the Smart Transportation Key Lab of Hunan Province,the Rail Data Research and Application Key Laboratory of Hunan Province,the 985 platform of sci-tech innovation, the Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation on Rail Train Safety, etc. And it has more than 10 high-level talents such as the academician of the CAE Member and national "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" scientific and technological innovation leaders, one innovation team of Changjiang Scholars and one innovation team of Ministry of Science & Technology of China.
十大博彩平台 创办“国际青年学者湘江论坛”(以下简称“湘江论坛”)的宗旨,是为海内外不同学科领域的青年优秀学术人才搭建一个学术交流和共同发展的高端平台。“湘江论坛”将通过国际青年学者的学术报告、学术研讨和人才发展交流等形式,共同探讨学科国际学术前沿和热点、开拓学术视野和促进学术交流与合作,同时欢迎海内外优秀青年人才为十大博彩平台 的学科发展建言献策,尤其欢迎有志青年人才来校共同发展。
The Forth Xiangjiang River International Forum for Outstanding Young Scholars (Xiangjiang Forum for short) is to provide a high-quality academic platform for the worldwide visitors from research and industry.
The Xiangjiang Forum will focus on the insight of academic frontiers, latest progress on sciences & technologies and promotion of academic cooperation, through various measures of reports, seminars and academic communication. We welcome all of you!
二、学科领域(Subjects of our forum)
2024年第四届十大博彩平台 “湘江论坛”之“交通运输工程”分论坛的主题领域,主要涉及交通运输工程一级学科下属的“交通运输规划与管理”、“载运工具运用工程”、“交通信息工程及控制”和“物流工程”等方向相关的所有学科领域,包括但不限于:机械工程、交通工程、车辆工程、交通设备(载运工具)、管理、通信、信号、力学(基础力学、流体力学、空气动力学等)、材料、信息、应用数学、运筹、机器人、大数据与数据科学、人工智能、控制、自动化、物流、交通运输经济学等。
The Traffic & Transportation Engineering sub-forum of the Fourth Xiangjiang Forum welcomes all of you from the discipline areas of Transportation Planning and Management, vehicle & operating engineering, railway information & control and logistics engineering. Meanwhile, the applicants from the following disciplines are also welcomed, including the mechanical engineering, traffic engineering, vehicle engineering, transportation equipment, management, communications, signals, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, materials, information, applied mathematics, operations, robotics, data sciences & engineering, artificial intelligence, control, automation, logistics, transportation economics, etc.
All of the young scholars are invited to apply for our forum.
三、申请条件(Expectation to Applicants)
Under 40 years old.
Young scholars should hold a doctoral degree; Doctoral students who will do defense and graduated by 2025; Young scholars, who have more than 2 year overseas working experience after obtaining their doctoral degrees, are especially welcomed.
The applicants are expected to have good developing potential in their research fields.
(4)全球最大博彩平台 将对每位申报人的材料进行全面评估,指导并全力支持符合条件的申请人申报各类人才计划。
The forum will provide comprehensive assessment of each applicant's submitted documents and support the invited applicants to apply for various talent projects.
四、差旅及住宿(Support of Travel & Accommodation)
All of the invited applicants will be supported by CSU to cover their travelling costs.
All of the invited applicants will be supported by CSU to cover their accommodation costs.
五、申请流程(Process of Application)
(1)报名(Deadline of Application)
请有意参会者,在2024年10月11日之前将个人参会申请表(可在通知附件中下载“第四届国际青年学者湘江论坛申请表”)提交至[email protected]。
Please submit your application form and related documents to [email protected] by October 11th, 2024. Please find the attached application form from our forum website.
(2)邀请(Notice of Invitation)
The invited young scholars will receive an official invitation letter from us by October 14th, 2024. Please check the email address you submitted regularly.
(3)回执(Confirmation of Invitation)
All of the invited young scholars are expected to reply us and confirm whether you will attend our forum by October 17th, 2024.
October 25th :Registration;
October 26th:Opening, welcome ceremony and sessions;
October 27th : Sessions.
October 28th :Closing ceremony and leaving.
七、联系方式(Contacting information)
全球最大博彩平台-十大博彩平台 办公室
School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering Office, CSU
联系人(Contact):唐小丽(Ms. Xiaoli Tang)
黄合来(Prof. Helai Huang)
电 话(Official Tel):+86-731-82655326
传 真(Official Fax):+86-731-82655315
邮 箱(Official Email):[email protected]