Modelling of Dynamic Behavior of Metals, Polymers and their Multilayered Structures
发布时间:2018-07-16 浏览次数:
报告主题:Modelling of Dynamic Behavior of Metals, Polymers and their Multilayered Structures
报告人:Said Ahzi
Said Ahzi教授,现任职于卡塔尔哈迈德?本?哈利法大学和法国斯特拉斯堡大学,兼任美国乔治亚理工大学和美国德州农工大学客座教授等职务。在此之前,曾分别工作于美国克莱门森大学、美国加尼福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校、美国麻省理工全球最大博彩平台 、法国梅斯大学。研究领域包括材料力学、增材制造、生物力学、计算力学、微纳米力学等。担任多个SCI期刊副主编、编委。合作出版5本专著,发表期刊论文300余篇,论文被引用6300余次,h因子40,i10因子118。
The present work deals with the development of a theoretical and numerical model to evaluate the dynamic response of a metal/polymer multilayer structure. The metallic and polymeric materials are assembled using an epoxy resin. The mechanical behavior of these three materials has been studied over wide ranges of strain rates (from 0.0001 / s to 50,000 / s) and temperatures (from -70 °C to 500 °C) corresponding to the extreme conditions encountered during impacts at high velocities. For this, analytical approaches have been developed for the modeling of the metal and for the polymers. After the calibration of the models, these models were implemented in the finite element code ABAQUS®.
In this presentation, we will discuss the results from the developed approaches for the metallic materials as well as the results for the polymer materials. For the metallic materials, we developed a Crystallo-Calorific Hardening (CCH) approach for the yield behavior that accounts for the crystalline structure of the considered material. For the polymer materials, we used the cooperative model to predict the yield stress under a wide range of strain rates and temperature. The predicted results will be discussed in terms of the stress-strain response and failure analysis with comparison to experimental results.