
1. Logistics Engineering of Undergraduate Education

The Logistics Engineering specialty in our school was authorized to award doctor's

degree in logistics engineering in 2003, and our undergraduate specialty was established on the foundation of recruitment of students for doctoral and master’s degree for years in succession for cultivation of senior engineering and management professionals in the line of logistics engineering. It has been listed on the top among similar specialties in the nationwide specialty appraisal.

Director of Logistics Engineering Department:

Zheng Guohua   Associate Professor

2. Logistics Engineering of Postgraduate Uducation:

Major research area: logistic economy, management of supply chain, optimization of logistics system, planning and management of logistics, logistics technology.

3. Research Institute of Logistics Planning and Management

Major Research Area: planning of logistics system. Planning for regional logistics development, distribution and transportation optimization techniques, theory and method of inventory control, supply chain management, rail freight transport logistics techniques and training for logistician professional qualification exam.

Director:  Fu Zhuo

Contact:  [email protected],0731-82655051
