
1. Traffic Equipment & Control Engineering

Reposed on the superiority of the state key discipline of “Transportation Vehicle Operation Engineering” and with several decades of cultivation of high-grade professionals, this specialty has been enjoying high reputation in the fields of domestic rail transit, equipment manufacturing etc., which was listed as a special discipline in latest specialty catalogue promulgated by the Ministry of Education in 2012. This specialty covers the professional directions of locomotive engineering, engineering machinery, CAD/CAM, urban transit vehicle & multiple-unit high-speed train, mainly training senior technical professionals for traffic and transport equipment engineering.

Director of Department of Traffic Equipment & Control Engineering:

Professor: Yang Yue

2. Graduate education and school site Settings

(1) Vehicle Application Engineering:

Major research area: the train derailment theory and prevention technology, railroad construction, maintenance, equipment and techniques, modern design methodology and manufacture of traffic devices, train aerodynamics, train collision theory, and multi-body coupling impact dynamics.

(2)major research area: Intellectualized Detection & Control for Traffic Devices, Rail Transit Safety and Reliability Engineering, Noise Control in Rail Transit and Theory and Techniques in CNC machining of complex surfaces.

3.Experimental Base of High-Speed Train Research Center

(1) Research Institute of Railway Engineering Equipment

Major Research Area: Rail transit precision measurement technology and equipment research, Rail transit project construction and equipment research

Director:  Professor Qinyi Fu

Contact:  qyfu@csu. edu.cn; 13873136881

(2) Research Institute of Intelligent Measurement & Control and Information Technology

Major Research Area: Locomotive and vehicle control and testing technology,Rail traffic safety and experiment technology, Intelligent measurement & control and information technology, Design & optimization of rail transit equipment system, Mechanical equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.

Director:  Professor Difu Pan

Contact:  0731-82655536 [email protected]

(3) Research Institute of CAD/CAM Integrated Technology

Major Research Area: digital design of traffic devices and complex electromechanical products, digital manufacturing of complex surfaces and reverse, informationization management and smart maintenance, ultrasonic nondestructive testing for complex engineering equipment, secondary development using CAD/CAM software system and quality control in product manufacturing.

Director:  Yang Yue

Contact:  [email protected]
