

The School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering of Central South University was founded in 1953. In 1981 and 1997, the school was authorized to confer Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree, and in 2003 and 2007, the school established the first post-doctoral scientific research station and was honored as the first-grade National Key Discipline. Up to now, the School of Traffic & Transportations Engineering has set up a series of scientific research and practice bases, including three National Laboratories, four Provincial Laboratories, one “985” and “211” Sci-Tech Innovation Platform and one Innovative Research Team of Cheung Kong Scholars.

Since 2000, closely following the requirements of the development of national traffic science and technology, the School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering established the foundation of the research fields: “The Aerodynamics of High-speed Train” and “Multi-Body-Coupling Collision Dynamics of Train”. The scientific achievements in these research fields were directly used in the major engineering projects including 6-Times Speed-Raising, High-Speed Railway, Heavy=Load Railway, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Urban Railway and Railway Passenger Ticket System. The train safety problem caused by aerodynamic, the passive protection of collision, the prevention of geology disaster, the optimization of transportation organization, the design of passenger ticket system and the monitoring and controlling of train movement was effectively solved. In addition, the school has honored 5 National and 37 Provincial Science Awards included.


The research subjects, which include “High speed rail aerodynamics and safety”, “Train collision dynamics and security protection technology”, “Subgrade engineering and geological disaster prevention under the complex conditions”, “The design theory and method of high speed railway line engineering”, The safety monitoring and warning of train running state and key equipment monitoring technology” and “Transportation operation management and system optimization” , possess advantages and characteristics, In recent years, the school has taken great efforts to develop comprehensive transport, and obtained outstanding achievement in “Analysis of big traffic data”, “The evaluation of traffic network efficiency”, “Traffic planning and design” and “Supply Chain Management”.

The research achievements in “Train aerodynamic”, “Train operation control and fault diagnosis”, “The theory and method of optimization of train plan”, “Railway digital line selection”, “The precision of detection and maintenance of track” have been widely applied in the Railway Bureaus, Streamlined train manufacturing plants, Railway Design Institute and Engineering Bureaus in China. The School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering has completed all domestic structure design, impact energy absorbing vehicle structure design and train aerodynamic safety assessment in 6-Times Speed-Raising. Meanwhile, as China’s only unit which takes charge of the train aerodynamics safety assessment, the “High Speed Train Research Center” was nominated by the former Ministry of Railways as the research base for train aerodynamic, train collision dynamics as the research base for train aerodynamic, train collision dynamics and new train body. The School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering of Central South University has been providing technical support and professionals for China’s high speed railways, heavy load railways, the Qinghai Tibet railway, urban rail transit’s design, construction, operation and the speeding up of existing railways, playing an indispensable role in the development of China’s transportation.

1. High Speed Train Research Center

Major Research Area:

Tran aerodynamics theory, technology and application;

The train collision safety protection technolog

Transportation operation management and system optimization

High speed railway construction, fine cultivation technique and equipment

Train operation safety monitoring and train and component performance diagnosis technology

Director:  Professor Xifeng Liang

Contact:  [email protected]

2. Research Institute of Rail Transit Operation

Major Research Area: organization and operation of high-speed train, organization and management of urban and inter-city rail transport operation, optimization of rail transport organization, management information service for rail transport operation.

Director:  Deng Lianbo

Contact:  [email protected],0731-82656451

3. Research Institute of Integrated Transport Systems Engineering

Major Research Area: regional integrated transport planning, optimization of rail transit operation management, cargo transportation management techniques, intelligent decision-making in traffic and transportation, optimization techniques in logistics management.

Director:  Lei Dingyou

Contact:  [email protected],0731-82655931


4. Research Institute of Urban Transport

Major Research Area:  transport planning and management, traffic safety and urban public transport.

Director:  Huang Helai

Contact:  [email protected],0731-82656631

5. Research Institute of Railway Engineering Equipment

Major Research Area: Rail transit precision measurement technology and equipment research, Rail transit project construction and equipment research

Director:  Professor Qinyi Fu

Contact:  qyfu@csu. edu.cn; 13873136881

6. Research Institute of Intelligent Measurement & Control and Information Technology

Major Research Area: Locomotive and vehicle control and testing technology,Rail traffic safety and experiment technology, Intelligent measurement & control and information technology, Design & optimization of rail transit equipment system, Mechanical equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.

Director:  Professor Difu Pan

Contact:  0731-82655536 [email protected]

7. Research Institute of CAD/CAM Integrated Technology

Major Research Area: digital design of traffic devices and complex electromechanical products, digital manufacturing of complex surfaces and reverse, informationization management and smart maintenance, ultrasonic nondestructive testing for complex engineering equipment, secondary development using CAD/CAM software system and quality control in product manufacturing.

Director:  Yang Yue

Contact:  [email protected]

8. Research Institute of Logistics Planning and Management

Major Research Area: planning of logistics system. Planning for regional logistics development, distribution and transportation optimization techniques, theory and method of inventory control, supply chain management, rail freight transport logistics techniques and training for logistician professional qualification exam.

Director:  Fu Zhuo

Contact:  [email protected],0731-82655051