
Introduction of the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

发布时间:2016-01-18    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:

Central South University (CSU) is a comprehensive and national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China. CSU was established in April 2000 on the basis of the amalgamation of the three former individual universities, namely Central South University of Technology, Hunan Medical University and Changsha Railway University. The University is among the first group admitted into Project 211, a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21st century, and Project 985 ,a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by the Chinese central government and local government.

School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering of Central South University, being one of the predecessors of Central South University, was founded on the original dominant specialties of Traffic and Transportation, Locomotive and Vehicle Engineering, Rail Transit Engineering etc. and the Research Center of High-speed Trains, aiming at establishing a world-known and domestic first-class discipline on the basis of Traffic and transportation engineering subject.


The school consists of three bachelor's degree program, namely Traffic and Transportation, Traffic Equipment & Control Engineering and Logistics Engineering all of which enjoy a long history over 50 years. The Traffic and Transportation discipline was established in the year of 1956, the predecessor of Traffic Equipment & Control Engineering discipline first came into life in 1960, both disciplines having early or later cultivated nearly 10000 graduate and undergraduate students of various levels. The overall educational capacity of the school is rated in the advance level among all the internal universities, and her Traffic and Transportation Engineering specialty of Central South University was ranked the sixth in the nation-wide appraisal of the first-grade disciplines conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2017.


The school administers 3 departments, 1 research center, 1 experimental center and 7 research institutes, with a team of 103 faculty members and among them 28 professors, 39 associate professors, 35 doctoral supervisors, one Academician of China Engineering Academy; one Academician of China Engineering Academy, one “Yangtze River Scholars Program” professor, Three expert of “High-end Foreign Experts” and six outstanding talents of “The Ministry of Education Program for New Century Excellent Talents”. In addition, the school leads one Yangtze River scholars and innovation team of the ministry of education "Rail Transit Safety Key Technology", one teaching team of Hunan province" Rail Transit Innovation Training” and one “Advanced Group of Professionals Nationwide”.

Through years of construction and development, the school now boasts her high-level scientific dais like the conferring authority of doctoral and masters degree to the first-grade disciplines of National Leading Academic Disciplines in Traffic & Transportation Engineering, a post-doctoral research station in Traffic & Transportation Engineering, “Joint International Research Laboratory of Rail Transit Safety”, a key laboratory on rail transit safety under the Ministry of Education, Engineering Laboratory Of Railway Vehicle Collision Protection Technology of Human Province” ,Smart Transport Key Laboratory of Hunan province and rail transit safety engineering platform in the 985 Project, and was among the first group of universities concluded in the plan for upgrading the innovative capability of education of higher learning of the country (2011 Plan in short) .